Sunday, 30.06.2024, 19:30 at the KLEINOD Ilmenau
Tuesday, 02.07.24
7:30 pm
Wednesday, 03.07.24
7:30 pm
Saturday, 03.08.24
7:30 pm
Church Oehrenstock

Play by Yasmina Reza

Original title “Art” (premiered in Paris in 1994)

The long-standing friendship between three men of very different characters suddenly comes to an end: when Serge buys a white painting for a lot of money, the differences between them erupt, the choleric Marc accuses Serge of showing off, the harmony-seeking Yvan tries to mediate, but one word leads to another and the tensions between them escalate further and further to the point of absurdity. The absent wives of the three also play a not insignificant part in the psychotic developments.

Yasmina Reza suddenly became world-famous with this sharply observed and hilariously funny psychogram of a neurotic male friendship, which also amusingly questions the hype surrounding modern art. Other finely chiseled chamber plays from her sharp pen such as “Drei Mal Leben” (staged by TheaterLeiterTheater in 2002) and “Der Gott des Gemetzels” have since conquered the stages and cinema screens of many countries.


Serge: Kay Gürtzig
Marc: Lukas Berkholz
Yvan: Daniel Hoff
Directed by: Kay Gürtzig

Performance Rights:

Rainer Witzenbacher Agency, Munich

The entrance fee is:

12 euros, reduced 8 euros.

As always, seat and ticket reservations are possible and welcome via:

Further information can be found on our homepage