Erfurt Baroque Ensemble – Small Series
Start of the summer concerts in the Kreuzkirche Ilmenau of the small series. Fri, 17.06.22 from 8 p.m. – Erfurt baroque ensemble…
Start of the summer concerts in the Kreuzkirche Ilmenau of the small series. Fri, 17.06.22 from 8 p.m. – Erfurt baroque ensemble…
Mira Valentin reads from her novels “Windherz” and “Nordblut”. The reading is on Friday, June 10, 2022 in the university library, admission 8:00 p.m., start 8:30 p.m.
Theater premiere “Gretchen 89 ff”
Finally theater again – live and in color, with an audience and hopefully without Corona! We (the TheaterLeiterTheater im KuKo eV Ilmenau) are about to premiere the cheerful and snappy sequence of scenes “Gretchen 89 ff” by Lutz Hübner on May 18th, 2022 in the Kulturfabrik Langewiesen
Jazzclub Ilmenau – series of events 13./14.05.22
For the 100th On the occasion of the birthday of Charles Mingus, the Jazzclub Ilmenau presents a series of events and relies on an innovative format combining cultural and political education with lectures, discussions, performances, films and concerts…