Thursday, 04.06.2024
Location to be announced

Admission 19:30 | Start: 20:00


We are looking forward to the concert with Lewia – Punk on the piano!

Lewia is not one thing: quiet. While the piano stays in the background, it sets the stage for Lewia’s voice, which saws at the patriarchy’s chair with sharp words. She sings about the hedonism of everyday life, about romance and is radically critical of the system, but one question remains: Is that still punk?

YouTube | bandcamp | Instagram

about living room culture Ilmenau

Culture without standing in line.
Warm. Comfortable. Particularly.
With friends and strangers.
Like at home, only nicer.
This is living room culture.

Under the umbrella of the Cultural Coordination (KuKo e.V.) of the Ilmenau University of Technology, they organize regular living room concerts.

Whether local musicians or international guests, whether a cozy living room or rooftop, you will find it in the living room culture.

Do you want to be part of the team? Talk to us at a concert, write to us or just drop by!

We are always happy to welcome new faces!