50th JAZZTAGE Ilmenau
from 22.04.-27.04.2024
All information can be found on the pages of the Jazzclub Ilmenau e.V.
Tickets for the concerts
Film: “Jazz on a summer evening”
Helmholtz Lecture Hall, TU Ilmenau
in cooperation with the Hochschulfilmclub Ilmenau e.V.
Tickets here
(The advance sale runs until 12:00 noon on the day of the event).
Aki Takase/Daniel Erdmann
Tickets here
(The advance sale runs until 12:00 noon on the day of the event).
Double concert
TRAINING & Ruth Goller
Marthe Lea Band
Helmholtz Lecture Hall, TU Ilmenau
Tickets here
(The advance sale runs until 12:00 noon on the day of the event).
More about Training with Ruth Goller
More about Training with Ruth Goller
“The best is yet to come – the future of jazz”
Discussion followed by the Peter Ehwald Trio
ADMISSION FREE – More info here
Double concert
Richard Koch Quartet
Tim Garland Lighthouse Trio
Tickets here
(The advance sale runs until 12:00 noon on the day of the event).