Saturday, 24.08.2024 on the Wetzlarer Platz Ilmenau

14:00 – 18:00

an event organized by KuKo e.V., KJR Ilm-Kreis e.V. & HoR Thüringen

Supported by


‘MITEINANDER STÄRKEN’, a series of events in cooperation with Kuko e.V. Kreis-Jugendring Ilm-Kreis e.V. and the House of Resources Thüringen with the support of the city of Ilmenau and the we4you of the TU Ilmenau.

We are looking forward to:
Interactive workshops, information stands, hands-on activities, cultural program and networking opportunities

A variety of MITMACH activities and information stands can be experienced throughout Wetzlarer Platz, including face painting, glitter tattoos, creative activities, large-scale games, a sustainability action area, citizen participation and a U18 election.

There will also be another tour of the stadium with a stamp pass.

A colorful program of live music and dance: The children’s choir and the “Corona Carminum” choir from the Liederkranz Geraberg e.V. are looking forward to presenting songs from an extensive repertoire on the theme. Those who want to be inspired by international performances can attend a Bollywood dance workshop or marvel at the children’s and youth dance groups from the Ilmenau Carnival Club and the LAWI youth center. Finally, the band Chill String will pick up the audience with energetic German-language rock music.

The puppeteer Udo Moritz will be performing the participatory puppet theater “Im Wald” (In the Forest) in the courtyard of the “Alte Försterei” at 4 pm. Kasper Kalle and the Schortehexe are intended to awaken environmental awareness and a love of nature in all guests young and old. And the Basic Law celebrates its 75th anniversary: to mark the occasion, the exhibition “Mothers of the Basic Law” is being shown in the meeting rooms of the “Alte Försterei”. The exhibition presents four remarkable women who played a key role in establishing equal rights for men and women in Germany under constitutional law.