Saturday, 16.03.2024 – from 16:00 hrs

Community center Am Krichplatz 1 Ilmenau

PHANTOPIA & Jakobusgemeinde Ilmenau present their contribution to the Free Role Play Day(s) 2024:
You are cordially invited to join us on Saturday, 16.03.2024, from 16:00 in the parish hall of the Jakobusgemeinde at Kirchplatz 1 (Ilmenau).
At the Germany-wide event, free materials are distributed, games are offered, people talk about pen & paper and play together.
So come along, take things with you and play!
Anyone who would like to offer a game is of course also very welcome to do so.
What is the free role play day?
The Free Role-Playing Game Day (GRT) aims to strengthen the German-speaking role-playing game scene and bring the pen-and-paper role-playing game hobby into the public eye. As an event with no major entry barriers, the GRT is aimed at a wide audience:
– Newcomers who would like to get to know the hobby of table-top role-playing games
– Active, experienced role players
– People who may not have played for a long time
– People who would like to get to know other role-players