Phantopia is the Science Fiction & Fantasy Club on the campus of the TU Ilmenau. Founded in 1972, club life has changed over the years.

In the beginning one devoted himself very much to literature. One translated
Stories and books that could not be found in any other way
would. Own radio plays were created and people kept busy
with bibliography as well as painting and graphics.

It was at this time that members began working internally
Build library. This library has remained the lasting and connecting element in club life to this day. There are more than a thousand books
now in this collection.

In the beginning one devoted himself very much to literature. One translated
Stories and books that could not be found in any other way
would. Own radio plays were created and people kept busy
with bibliography as well as painting and graphics.

Since so much has changed over the years, what is it?
unifying element that unites the members of Phantopia?

It’s the fascination with the more fantastic genres, be it in
in literature, in films or in games. And it is also that
Creativity. You can find the impressive members here
Create small works of art (tabletop figures) that create exciting plots
for pen and paper role-playing games and LARPs or write yourself
Tinker clothing and equipment for your LARP characters.