The reading is on Friday, 17.11.2023 in the
Cafe Böcklein Ilmenau
, admission 19:30, start 20:00.
Tickets, in advance for 5 EUR (students) and 8 EUR (earners) , are available in the Ilmenau city information and the Ilmenau book shop , at the box office one euro more.
Reading with Theresa Hannig
Theresa Hannig was born in Munich in 1984.
After studying political science (with philosophy and economics as minors) at the LMU Munich, she worked as a software developer, SAP consultant, project manager of solar systems and lighting designer.
In March 2018, she won the 2018 Seraph Fantasy Literature Award for Best Debut with The Optimizers.
On June 28, 2019, Hannig’s second novel Die Unvollkommenen (shortlisted Phantastikpreis der Stadt Wetzlar 2020, longlisted Krefelder Preis für FantastischeLiteratur 2020) was published, which continues Die Optimierer in terms of content, but thematically sets new priorities.
On February 25, 2021, Hannig’s third novel König und Meister was published (Longlist Phantastikpreis der Stadt Wetzlar 2021, Nominated for the Seraph 2022 in the category “Best Book”).
In February 2022 Hannig’s 4th novel Pantopia was published (shortlisted Phantastikpreis der Stadt Wetzlar 2022, shortlisted Lovelybooks Community Award 2022, nominated for Seraph 2023 as best book, nominated for Kurd Laßwitz Preis 2023 as Best SF Novel).
In March 2022 Theresa Hannig was nominated for the European Science Fiction Society Award in the category “Best Author” for Germany.
On 4/27-23, her 4th novel Pantopia was awarded the Seraph Fantasy Prize for Best Book at the Leipzig Book Fair.
She also speaks as a speaker on topics such as society & AI, democracy & surveillance, the future of work and women in the digital world.
— WINNER of the prestigious German-language literary award for fantasy SERAPH 2023 in the category “Best Book”—.
A better world is possible! Theresa Hannig, author of “The Optimizers,” has written a utopia for our times.
Actually, Patricia Jung and Henry Shevek only wanted to write an autonomous trading software that performs above average on the stock market. But a bug in the code creates the first powerful artificial intelligence on the planet – Einbug.
Einbug quickly realizes that in order to survive, he must not only get to know people better, but also change the world. Together with Patricia and Henry he therefore founds the world republic Pantopia. The goal: the abolition of nation states and the universal enforcement of human rights. Who would have thought that they would be successful with it?
“Come to Pantopia. All are welcome here!”